Hypnotherapy Service at UHW

In addition to my private practice, I also work with the Hospital Hypnotherapy Service at Cardiff’s University Hospital of Wales. This service was set up to provide a free hypnotherapy service to people having chemotherapy. The team of Clinical Hypnotherapists all hold diplomas from the prestigious Clifton Practice School of Hypnotherapy and are registered with CNHC and the Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy. […]

Hypnotherapy Case Study – Anxiety

The following case study demonstrates how hypnotherapy can make a real difference to a person’s life. Joan is a singer. She sought help through hypnotherapy to improve her self-esteem and reduce anxiety, in particular pre-performance nerves. She was particularly concerned about remembering the words to her songs and speaking with confidence to her audience. On the day of […]

What is Mindfulness?

More and more of my clients want to know how mindfulness can help to break the cycle of anxiety, stress and unhappiness. In recent years the media has been abuzz with talk about mindfulness and this month’s annual Mental Health Awareness Week is focusing entirely on the benefits of mindfulness. So what exactly is mindfulness […]